AH3144 Hall Sensor

When the “S” pole of magnet faces the mark surface of the sensor and is closed to sensor (B≥Bop),the sensor outputs low level; When magnet is far from sensor(B≤ BRP),the sensor outputs high level. When the “N” pole faces the mark surface,the sensor is no response. Stable Hysteresis((BH= |BOP- BRP|)ensure the Stable sensor’s switch status. The magnet and electric transfer characteristic curve is shown as the figure:
Rated working voltage 4.5 V ~ 24 V, the limit voltages as low as 3.5 V;
Hall Sensor Operating temperature range: -40℃ ~ 150℃;
Hall Sensor Rated output current(sink) : 25 mA, the maximum output current(sink): 50 mA;
Hall Sensor Switch response time is about 1μs, the operating frequency DC ~ 100 kHz;



Omnipolar Hall IC

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